The island was first mentioned in the local press as a tourist attraction back in 1945 and it is now considered among the internationally recognized tourist destinations. It has, however, an even older identity. It was a glorious ancient city-state, characterized mostly by its lyrical poets, its sculptors, as well as its productive agriculture and animal husbandry. Archilochus mentions its barley, its cattle, and its viticultural products in the 7th century BC. The people of Paros are connected to their land on a primitive level, and this is due to its great geological age. The smooth topography, with the mountain masses rising in the center of the island, generously gave the population vast and fertile fields for cultivation. The relationship between producers and land was to gradually, after the passage of decades, take the shape of a living cell in a society that evolves. 
It all started in the 1920s, when the first cooperatives appeared in various regions of the island. What followed was fermentations that drove the cooperatives to unite and evolve from simple suppliers of fertilizers and animal feed to producers of wine, cheese, and olive oil. Since then, the cooperative has been the main expression of Paros’ farming identity. 

After almost 100 years of operation the cooperative is now inextricably intertwined with the social fabric of the island. With the goal being to always support the farmers of the island, the cooperative turns the page and adapts to the demands of the modern market. Historical continuity requires an investment in the future. This means modernizing the equipment in a way that will upgrade the production quality in the winery, in the cheese factory, in the olive press.
However, the main concern of Paros Farming Community is to train its members. Through the training and specialization of its people, the identity and value of the island’s agricultural products will strengthen. The new plan is inspired by the past and romantically sets out the next steps to highlight how unique Paros’ produce is.